With passion and a lot of heart at the IFAT in Munich
From 30 May to 3 June, experts in water, sewage, waste and raw materials management met at the world's leading trade fair IFAT in Munich. On our 390 square metres main booth in hall B1, booth 251/351, we will present our technological solutions for the challenges in the treatment and transport of water and sewage under the motto "Caring for Water. With Passion.”
And of course, our anniversary logo was part of the game as a symbol of 150 years of responsibility and passion of all Wilo employees to improve people's lives.
Today was the kick-off for five amazing days at the IFAT 2022.
We take you with us on our trade fair journey, and each day is dedicated to another theme - starting today with the topic of climate change.

Getting data like real-time flow rates from a pump is not a big deal. It certainly doesn’t make the pump more intelligent either. It’s what you do with the data that provides added value. Our highlight product Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q for example easily connects to predictive maintenance suites.
The smart pump uses real-time data to continuously adapt to the actual operating conditions. In this way it prevents clogging, allows for reliable, failsafe operation and reduces energy consumption. And that in fact is pretty smart!
Our Topic Day 2 is dedicated to smart solutions that connect products, services and people. Matthias Pantze, Group Director Market Segment Management, explains why Wilo strives to go beyond in digitalisation.

The central tenet of Wilo's sustainability strategy is to supply 100 million people with clean water by 2025 while simultaneously reducing the ecological footprint. Our colleagues Khaled Fariad and Michael Micke give an insight into the fields of sustainability and water shortage on our topic day 3 at the IFAT.
Our innovative solutions, smart products and individual services move water in an intelligent, efficient and climate-friendly manner.

Our topic day 4 at the IFAT is all about energy shortage.
The increasing demand for energy - especially from fossil fuels - and the limits on fuel production have created an energy shortage. This represents a bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to the economy and inevitably leads to rising energy prices.
Wilo is therefore focusing on energy-efficient products, smart grids and renewable energies to counteract climate change. Our product manager Kerstin Dieckmann will pick you up on this topic.

It is the last day of IFAT and it's been a great, interesting week so far. Before you go, be sure to check out our final video from the fair on the subject of solution provider.
Sam Coleman and Niko Kösling explain what it's all about.