Moving forward with heart – for a smart future

Loving Traditions. Living Innovations. This is the motto for Wilo's 150-year anniversary. For 150 years we have been working to improve people's living conditions. The best example for it is the Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q with Nexos Intelligence. We are proud of this because this pump is an example of our passion and innovation.
With solutions such as the highly efficient Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q we facilitate the daily work of our customers, make the operation of pumping stations safer and prevent clogging with digital intelligence. These advantages as well as the possibility of remote monitoring significantly reduce expensive service call-outs.
The digital future with Wilo looks as smart, efficient and sustainable as this. We are committed to it with all our strength, our know-how and our 150-year experience.
Join our Wilo-Rexa-SOLID Q on its journey and experience why our hearts beat for the little things.

Hof, Germany - Production of the Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q
Not only the devil is in the details... passion is, too.
For 150 years Wilo has been very passionate about the details. From assembly to quality checking to delivery there are hundreds of manual steps and small details you typically never learn about. Yet, these make the difference between just another pump and a little marvel. And our colleagues are passionate about every single one of the them.

Munich, Germany - Wilo at the IFAT 2022
At exhibitions and fairs, our customers get inspired by our innovations solutions for example at the IFAT 2022 in Munich. The Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q with Nexos Intelligence is the perfect example for our motto: Loving Traditions. Living Innovations. The digital future with Wilo looks as smart, efficient and sustainable as this. We are committed to it with all our strength, our know-how and our 150-year experience.

Pforzheim, Germany - The Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q in use at Buchbusch pumping station
In the last part of our video , you see the Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q in use - at ""Eigenbetrieb Stadtentwässerung Pforzheim""(ESP). The two Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Qs are the heart of the pumping station Buchbusch. The individual pump design ensures energy-efficient operation.
"Since the use of Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q15.52 with Nexos intelligence during the conversion of the dry-weather pumps at Buchbusch pumping station, there are no more blockages. The service and maintenance effort could thus be reduced to a minimum. Direct access to the status of the pump via Wilo-DDI makes routine maintenance very easy and the operating costs could be reduced significantly"" says the operator from ESP.