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The Wilo online catalogue with great support functions

From now on, the Wilo-Online catalogue not only offers you up-to-date and complete product information, but also provides you with helpful functions to support you in your project.

Create your personal catalogue

Add our series and/or products to the new catalogue list to create your personal Wilo product catalogue in no time at all. You decide which information appears in your catalogue.

Click on this symbol to add a series and/or an products to your catalogue list.

Clicking on the symbol in the sidebar will take you to the overview of the series and/or products in your catalogue.

Now click on "Create catalogue" and select from the various options which information is required in your personal Wilo catalogue.

Confirm your selection with Start and your catalogue will be automatically generated as a PDF.

Manage your Wilo favourites

Do you often need up-to-date information and data on a particular pump? Then use the favourites function to facilitate access to this information. In addition, you can share series and/or products from this list with others by e-mail.

Click on this symbol to add a series and/or an products to your favourites list.

Clicking on the symbol in the sidebar will take you to the overview of your favourites.

Create your range leaflet/datasheet

Click on series or product level on the PDF button to create a range leaflet/datasheet. You decide which information appears in your PDF.

In the product list, the sequence and the filtering are also transferred to the PDF. The duty point at product level is also transferred to the PDF.