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Wilo USA SDG 9 Action Days

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Wilo SDG Action Days

Wilo SDG Action Days: 7 SDGs - 7 days - 7(Wilo) locations

Wilo USA was selected as one of the countries to take part in the Wilo Sustainable Development Project, specifically showcasing the region’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

The Wilo USA SDG 9 Action Day was held at the Wilo Americas Headquarters in Cedarburg, WI on September 27, 2022.

The event included a building tour of the new Wilo Americas Headquarters, which highlighted sustainability features including solar panels and rainwater reclamation systems, a presentation of a local donation relating to SDG 9 project, and a presentation on "The Planetary Impact of Sustainable Plumbing Design."

SDG 9 Project: Sustainable Ambitious Workforce

Wilo USA chose the German American Chamber of Commerce for the SDG 9 project. Vice President of the GACC Midwest, Mario Kratsch was a keynote speaker at the event. One of the GACC's Apprenticeship Programs includes ICATT (The Industry Consortium for Advanced Technical Training). "The ICATT Apprenticeship Program is a workforce development strategy – a sustainable solution that builds a loyal workforce, provides a pipeline of talent, and ensures that standards of excellence are met."

Wilo USA SDG 9

SunVest Solar

Catie Malcheski, a Project Developer with SunVest was a keynote speaker and discussed the sustainable development of the solar system at Wilo USA. Catie was also the project manager for the Wilo Americas Headquarters solar panel installation.

Keynote speakers at the Wilo Americas Headquarters for the last SDG Action Day

(Left to right) Jeff Schopp, Laurent Davis, Jeff Plaster, Catie Malcheski, Myriam Klein, Mario Kratsch, and Sascha Alexander Kuhn

Vice President of the GACC-Midwest, Mario Kratsch

Keynote speaker Catie Malcheski from SunVest Solar LLC.

QuantumFlo Founder Dave Carrier presenting from Dortmund.

Watch the Wilo USA SDG Action day here!

*Event starts at 11:00 minute mark.

Watch the SDG Action Days Summary here!