By replacing the right pumps, you can save thousands of pounds per year.
Operational reliability and dependability are your number-one priority when it comes to your water supply, but electricity costs and the opportunity for further savings may be taking on a more important role in view of current developments.
Rapid return on investment and high potential for savings in large buildings.
Whether heating, air conditioning, cooling applications or water supply, with Wilo pumps and pump systems you can save more than 70% in kWh compared to conventional, uncontrolled pumps, depending on the field of application.
Therefore, put your trust in energy efficiency and innovation: let us provide you with a consultation to assess your existing pumps and start the “ecolution” with us!
Our energy-saver examples:
Heating, air conditioning, cooling
Water supply

Discover our consultation services
Are you interested in customised consultancy and analysis of your existing pumps to start your transition to high-efficiency technology? Our Wilo Service team will be happy to provide you with immediate assistance!