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Innovations 2018

Innovations Wilo 2018

In this age of urbanisation, sustainable development requires sewage concepts that are fit for the future – not only in growing cities, but also in rural, thinly populated regions.

Pumping untreated sewage is an increasingly demanding task: sewage disposal regulations are changing, the proportion of solid matter and retention times in the network are on the rise and fluids are becoming more aggressive and greasy. Sewage, sludge and sludge water as well as abrasive and even fibrous fluids must be transported in a reliable and energy-efficient manner, in various flow rates and at different delivery pressures. Operational reliability, durability and intelligent control are of growing importance, as is the networking of pumps and pump systems.

At IFAT 2018 Wilo presented the answers to the future questions of sewage technology: individual solutions that can be tailored perfectly to specific requirements and their surroundings and reliably transport untreated sewage.

Take a look at the Wilo booth in a 360° view and see our innovative, cutting-edge technological solutions in the areas of raw water intake, water distribution and pressure boosting, wastewater collection and transport, and sewage treatment.

Innovations for the future. Our solutions for Water Management.

Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q with Nexos Intelligence – The intelligent system solution for a smart sewage pumping station

Pumping untreated sewage is becoming increasingly demanding due to the growing prevalence of solids and fibrous material which, in turn, leads to increased operating costs. The new Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q with Nexos Intelligence is characterised by operational reliability, energy efficiency and the highest level of digital networking. The smart combination for cost effectiveness combined with the additional convenience in your day-to-day work.

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Wilo-SiBoost Smart Helix EXCEL

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Wilo-Actun ZETOS-K10

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Wilo-Actun OPTI-MS

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Wilo-Padus PRO

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Wilo-EMUport CORE

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Pressure drainage system with Nexos Intelligence

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Solutions for Wastewater Treatment

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Vogelperspektive Landschaft, solution provider

Solution Provider

Resource scarcity, climate change and the increasing urbanisation are rapidly changing the requirements on water management of the future: The treatment and transport of drinking water and sewage are becoming ever more complex and technologically sophisticated. To be fit for the future, water infrastructure will have to be effective, sustainable and reliable – and be able to adapt flexibly to fluctuating demand. As a solution provider, Wilo develops an individual solution for each project by combining modern technologies with innovative applications and comprehensive services, from planning to commissioning and maintenance.

Vogelperspektive Stadt, digitalisierung

Digital Pioneer

By integrating IT, sensor technology and model applications, our solutions offer new ways to improve the mapping, monitoring and controlling of complex water network infrastructure. Wilo assists you in improving the efficiency and reliability of your systems and reducing costs at the same time. We make life easier for you – with an integrated, economically efficient and tailor-made solution for you. Discover the opportunities offered by intelligent water management networking.


Intelligent systems for the Middle Kingdom

Opportunities of digitalisation, used efficiently

China’s cities are growing at a breathtaking pace. Of course, this brings its own challenges, especially when it comes to transporting rainwater in areas affected by flooding. Here it is important to make the most of the opportunities of digitalisation and technical progress. The comprehensive, intelligent networking of the supply and disposal systems allows us to develop solutions that are sustainable and make people’s lives safer and better.

Our smart solution provides an improved quality of life

A good example of the efficient use of new technologies is the “sponge city” Tongzhou, a satellite outside of Beijing. In the flood season, important transport and transit routes were regularly impassable due to high water. Wilo found an intelligent and sustainable solution for this, meaning that millions of people can now travel and commute safely all year round – our smart solution, the Wilo-EMUport NC 3800. Three intelligently connected tanks were installed underground, each of which was equipped with two FA25.93 d-fk 34.1-6/60 pumps, so that up to 9000 m3/h of rainwater can be pumped into the nearby water reservoir. Smart networking ensures the greatest degree of efficiency at all times. Sensors automatically detect the water level and switch the pumps on or off as necessary. Therefore, our solution operates at the greatest possible efficiency and thus transports the rainwater away in a highly efficient manner.

We will be displaying more smart solutions for sustainable, future-orientated water removal at the IFAT 2018.

Wilo brings the future.

Wilo gets industry fit for the future

Modern systems for tomorrow’s challenges

The global demand for energy continues to increase. Electricity prices are skyrocketing and energy is increasingly becoming a cost and competitive factor for regions shaped by industry.

Outdated energy infrastructure combined with inefficient usage patterns aggravate the situation. This is why Wilo has intensified its development of more efficient and economical systems with the aim of contributing to the development with intelligent solutions. This allows us to help companies all over the world to reduce their energy costs and maintain their edge in global competition.

An investment in efficiency that quickly pays for itself

Patras, the third-largest city in Greece, is an excellent example. Traditional industries, such as textile industries, were replaced by new high-tech industries, IT companies and research centres that have a far higher demand for energy and water. The antiquated local infrastructure could no longer cope with the new demands, incurring high costs. Wilo took the initiative and proposed to upgrade the local water supply by replacing the old systems with high-efficiency solutions from Wilo. The solution developed in close cooperation with the customer had already amortised the costs of replacing the pumping stations after just 3 years. Additionally, a special financing concept allowed for regular repayments to be fully funded from the resultant cost savings. This collaborative solution resulted in savings of up to 32 % of the energy consumption costs for the local water supply within the first three months.

We look forward to presenting our full range of sustainable and future-proof water supply solutions at the IFAT 2018!

Wilo brings the future.

Wilo solutions make the difference: fresh water for Windhoek

Averting water crises before they happen

In a globalised world, the economy is growing at an incredible pace – and with it the demand for water, one of our most precious natural resources. This aggravates the global shortage of water, especially in the more arid regions of the world, because the number of consumers is growing whilst the quantity of easily accessible water remains unchanged. That is why Wilo focuses on developing flexible high-efficiency solutions that adapt to their surroundings and highly efficient technologies that preserve our resources. Our innovative products allow you to meet the requirements for high system efficiency and a sustainable use of precious resources.

Wilo solutions bring water to the desert

Namibia is one of the most arid countries in the world and therefore particularly affected by the global water shortage. Years of drought are nothing unusual in this country. The dried-out rivers inspired Namibia’s capital, Windhoek, to look for innovative approaches to water sourcing for its farmers, industry and around 350,000 residents. Wilo offered the city a sustainable and future-proof solution to its problems. The Wilo-Actun ZETOS-K8 convinced the city’s decision makers with its high efficiency, universal suitability and robust investment casing. The permanent magnet rotor has a previously unheard of overall efficiency of 75 % and is distinguished by outstanding wear resistance – even a sand content of 150 g/m3 is no problem for the Wilo-Actun ZETOS-K8. This feature makes the pump ideal for applications in regions that are in close proximity to a desert. The solutions offered by Wilo make it possible to supply the vital resource of water to even the driest places on earth.

Wilo technology in use: sustainable wastewater treatment for a healthy environment

Protecting the valuable resource of water

Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the future. Rising CO2 emissions cause rising temperatures, which in turn mean an increasing number of extreme weather events and extended periods of drought. This affects the quality of the water in lakes and rivers, in the same way as pollutants from industry, agriculture and private households. Wilo aspires to offer innovative and energy-efficient solutions that can make a real difference in counteracting the consequences of these detrimental developments. Our pioneering products, systems and solutions can assist municipal wastewater treatment plants in their essential task, which is the sustainable sewage treatment. This allows us to make a significant contribution to the protection of our climate and environment for a better future.

Clean water for the Taubenbach stream

Roof gutters, dishwashers, showers contribute to 2,800 m3 of wastewater collected every day at the wastewater treatment plant in the Austrian town of Neumarkt im Tauchental. The plant has been performing biological treatment of the sewage for the villages connected to it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year since 1993 and ensures that the water discharged into the local Tauchenbach stream is of near drinking water quality. This completes the natural cycle and protects the natural environment in Tauchental.

To make the wastewater treatment plant even more environmentally friendly and energy efficient, the Municipal Wastewater Association of Tauchental has teamed up with Wilo to extend and modernise the plant. Equipping the activated sludge tank with the submersible mixers Wilo-EMU TR 221-1 and Wilo-EMU TR 50-2 was particularly effective in achieving the maximum in wastewater treatment efficiency and process resilience in continuous duty. The outstanding economic efficiency of the Wilo products allowed the Neumarkt wastewater treatment plant to reduce its future energy needs by around 60 percent. Wilo’s innovative and ideally dimensioned submersible mixers ensure the high quality of the water discharged back into the Tauchenbach stream.

A number of submersible sewage pumps, such as the Wilo-EMU FA 08.52W and the Wilo-EMU FA 25.32 D have a Ceram coating on the hydraulics internal surfaces which enhances wear resistance and ensures process security and uninterrupted sewage transport.

This is Wilo’s contribution to the protection and vitalisation of the natural environment in Tauchental.

We will be displaying more smart solutions for sustainable, future-proof wastewater treatment at the IFAT 2018.

Wilo brings the future.

Innovations for a transforming world

Wilo pumps for the environment

Since 2007, the number of people living in cities has surpassed the rural population. According to the United Nations Population Fund, the proportion of people living in cities will continue to grow, and with it the ongoing urbanisation trend. The supply of clean water to domestic households, industry and agriculture has been a major challenge for these increasingly dense urban centres for quite some time. With our efficient products for water supply, drainage and sewage disposal, we are assisting these urban centres in preserving their water resources while lowering their costs at the same time.

Turning wastewater into clean river water

The application of Wilo solutions in Switzerland illustrates perfectly what responsible, efficient and sustainable water management can look like in reality. In a large-scale, long-term project, a completely new drainage concept was developed in close co-operation with the local authorities for approx. 17 hectares of road surface along the A1 motorway in the Zurich area. Wilo and the local authorities formed a close partnership from day one and were determined to find the ideal solution. There is now a total of seven Wilo pumps that drain away the wastewater from the motorway. The water is mechanically screened and discharged into the Grütwisen artificial lake, where it can percolate and go through a natural filtration process. It is then pumped into a nearby river. This process returns up to 2,600 litres of sewage to the natural water cycle per second. For the sake of the environment. We will be displaying more sustainable solutions for future-proof wastewater treatment at the IFAT 2018.

Wilo brings the future.