Check replaceability and synchronize
Please state the type designation or article number of the old pump to check whether it can be replaced by the Varios PICO-STG:
Brief instructions
Programming mode
The programming mode is used to set the curve to be applied. The symbols above the LEDs have no relevance during the programming mode.
Operating mode
The operating mode is the mode used when the pump is in operation. The symbols above the LEDs describe the functions which are active or inactive.
At the beginning, the operating mode is active and the Varios PICO runs using a standard setting or a standard curve.
Start programming mode
In the operating mode press both green buttons for approximately five seconds to start the programming mode. Then release the buttons. All of the LEDs will flash green three times to indicate that the programming mode has started.
Activate/deactivate the selected LED: Press the lower Green Button.
End programming mode
- You can end the programming mode and return to the operating mode by exiting and saving the settings or exiting without saving.
- Save and end: briefly press both green buttons. The pump will show the selected LED code for five seconds and all LEDs will then flash three times before the pump returns to operating mode.
- If an invalid LED code has been entered and saved, the upper LED briefly lights up red during the flashing phase.
- Abort and end without saving: press both green buttons for approximately five seconds and release. The pump immediately returns to the operating mode without saving.
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