Wilo-Drain TMW 32
Флексибилно применлива и целосно автоматска потопна пумпа.
Флексибилно применлива и целосно автоматска потопна пумпа.
Особености/предности на производот
- User-friendly – ergonomic handle, low weight, ready-to-plug version (Plug&Pump)
- Operationally reliable – stainless steel-encapsulated motor with sheath flow cooling, mechanical seal and sealing chamber
Submersible pump for stationary and portable wet well installation. Pump with fitted float switch for fully automatic operation.
For the pumping in domestic areas of:
- Sewage not containing faeces
- Wastewater (with small amounts of sand and gravel)
- Self-switching thermal motor monitoring
- Integrated capacitor
- Fitted float switch
Означување на типот
Example: | Drain TMW 32/11 |
TM | Series |
W | Version with twister function |
32 | Nominal diameter of pressure connection |
11 | Max. delivery head in m |
Технички податоци
- Mains connection: 1~230 V, 50 Hz
- Submerged operating mode: S1
- Non-immersed operating mode: S3 25%
- Protection class: IP68
- Insulation class: F
- Fluid temperature: 3 ... +40 °C (37 ... 104 °F)
- Hydraulics housing: PP-GF30
- Impeller: PPE/PS-GF20
- Strainer: Composite material
- Motor housing: 1.4301 (AISI 304)
- Seal:
- On pump side: C/SiC (BQ1PFF)
- On the motor side: NBR
- Static: NBR
- Shaft end: 1.4104 (AISI 430F)
Sewage pump with integrated turbulator (twister function), open multi-channel impeller and vertical threaded connection. Pump housing, strainer and impeller made of composite material. 1~ motor (jacket cooling) with integrated operating capacitor and self-switching thermal motor monitoring. Stainless steel motor housing. Oil-filled sealing chamber with double sealing: a rotary shaft seal is installed on the motor side, a mechanical seal on the pump side. Connection cable with float switch and fitted plug (type G, British BS 1363).
The twister function guarantees permanent turbulence within the pump's intake area. The turbulence prevents the settling sediments from sinking and settling. This ensures a clean pump sump and reduces the build-up of odours.
Опсег на испорака
- Pump
- Swing check valve, pre-assembled
- Installation and operating instructions
Упатство за вградување и работа
Памфлет за сертифицирање
Опис на производ | Притисочна наставка | Номинална моќност на мотор P2 | Должина на кабел за поврзување L | Приклучување на мрежа | Број на производ | |
Drain TMW 32/8 | G 1¼ | 0,37 kW | 4 m | 1~230 V, 50 Hz | 2043828 | |
Drain TMW 32/11 | G 1¼ | 0,55 kW | 4 m | 1~230 V, 50 Hz | 2043829 |