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Where can I find spare parts for my centrifugal pump?

Spare parts for Wilo centrifugal pumps are easy to select via the Wilo spare parts catalogue.

It is annoying when parts of products fail. At that point, there are two choices:

  • Replace defective parts;
  • Replace the complete pump.

The most obvious choice is to replace the defective part. Sometimes more parts need to be replaced than just the defective part. In that case, it can sometimes be more expensive to purchase and install the various spare parts than to replace the complete pump in one go.

On the other hand, the development is ongoing and it may be economically more attractive to replace the old pump anyway because the operating costs of the existing pump are significantly higher than those of more current models.

Although Wilo has a spare parts catalogue online where you can search for spare parts yourself, it may be advisable to contact Wilo. They can help you find the right spare parts and, in response to the defect, they can help you find the best solution in your case. This way, you can make the right decision yourself with proper substantiation.

In addition, the defect may have been caused by incorrect installation or setting for your specific application. Here too we can provide you with tips to prevent defects in the future.

NOTE: In some cases, the spare parts depend on the year of manufacture or version of the pump.

Spare parts catalogue

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