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Where can I find the right replacement for centrifugal pump?

The right replacement for centrifugal pump can be found by replacing with a new pump based on the current duty point, with a comparable pump found in the exchange tables or with the help of technical specialists.

There are several ways in which the right replacement pump can be found for the old (defective) centrifugal pump:

  • Select the pump again;
  • Exchange online through exchange table (24/7);
  • Exchange by phone or chat;
  • Exchange by e-mail or contact form

Re-selecting a centrifugal pump in an existing system

Because systems may change during use and this can change the duty point, it may be better to select a centrifugal pump again based on this new duty point. This can not only save costs in use but also in purchase and provide more comfort.

Technologies, insights and regulations can also change over time so that a more modern pump now fits better into the existing system.

To find the right replacement pump, you can always use a product selection tool such as Wilo-Select. During the office hours, Wilo can also support you in selecting the right new pump.

Advantages for you:

  • Select and save pumps yourself, regardless of time and place;
  • Save selections;
  • Fast.

Wilo-Select 4 online – the pump consultant

With the new Wilo-Select 4 online, you can now experience pump dimensioning in the 4th generation – flexible, convenient, efficient and powerful. What’s more, you will always have access to the latest product data via the Internet. Very easy online and available everywhere.

In just 4 steps you can access a product recommendation or reliable life cycle cost analysis (LCC Check).

  • Open operating costs preview
  • Select pumps for comparison
  • Check calculation specifications
  • Compare life cycle costs and payback periods

The integrated comparison of life cycle costs (LCC Check) makes it very easy to determine the efficiency of existing pumps. Wilo-Select 4 online identifies the optimal replacement pump and delivers convincing results on a data sheet, detailing the calculated savings potential in euros and the payback period.


Exchange online through exchange table

The fastest and easiest way to find a new pump is to use an online exchange tool. Based on the existing pump, regardless of manufacturer, the best comparable new pump(s) is shown here. This way, you can be sure that the system works just as you were used to.

The exchange tool also immediately shows the necessary accessories for the exchange and note that you should consider when exchanging. Think of offering fitting pieces for a different installation size or the comment about the electrical connection if this is different.

Advantages for you:

  • Finding the replacement for the pump yourself, regardless of time and place;
  • Fast

Heating replacement guideWilo-Assistant app

Get the right replacement pump by phone or chat

If the selection of a replacement pump is unsuccessful, the exchange on was unsuccessful or if you would like more support in finding the right replacement pump, please feel free to contact Wilo. We are happy to help you finding the best solution for your specific situation. We are available by phone during our regular office hours.

Advantages for you:

  • Specific advice for your situation;
  • Ability to quickly request and receive additional information;
  • Fast

The correct replacement pump by e-mail or online form

It is also possible to find the right replacement pump by e-mail or via the online form. You indicate in an e-mail what your wishes are, preferably a description of the existing situation, the currently installed pump and the operating point of the current situation. We may also be able to select a product with less data, but the more information we have, the better we can select the right replacement pump for you. We also recommend that you include your contact details so that we can quickly contact you if we have any questions.

We aim to answer exchanges by form or e-mail within two working days.

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Our products and services have aroused your interest? Then we are happy to help!

Whether it's creating an offer or editing service specifications, designing different types of equipment, advising on the selection of pumps and switchgear, or just helping with hydraulic and control issues.

Feel free to contact your nearest sales office and make an appointment. We look forward to you!

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