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Water supply | Wilo

Water supply

Water supply with Wilo: responsible and with maximum efficiency

Water supply

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Today, sustainability and climate protection are significant design factors for the construction or renovation of large commercial buildings. This also includes modern, resource-efficient and energy-efficient water supply. Wilo provides state-of-the-art system solutions to ensure that our increasingly scarce drinking water resources are used responsibly.

Contribute to a sustainable future as a building operator

Even though over 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water, only a fraction of this amount is entirely suitable for use as drinking water. This is reason enough for us to develop sustainable concepts for the entire water cycle. Because together with you, the building operator, our aim is, on the one hand, for drinking water to be used sparingly and responsibly, and on the other, for alternatives to be increasingly used, such as extracting water from wells or collecting rainwater for use in toilets or for irrigation purposes. Wilo provides sustainable and economical solutions for a wide scope of applications here, including water extraction from wells or open bodies of water, rainwater utilisation and pressure-boosting systems. Using alternative water sources as a replacement for precious drinking water is therefore one of our most significant future challenges.

How to achieve the required quality of drinking water in your building

Our water quality is normally legally regulated and controlled by directives, various guidelines, recommendations and regulations. Our products and systems can be used for water extraction, water purification and water distribution. During the complete drinking water supply chain process, the preservation of contamination barriers is hugely important in order to keep the need for technical treatment to a bare minimum.

Contamination due to material, substances or legionella does not occur in distribution systems that have been installed in a proper manner and which are regularly and correctly maintained and operated.

The decisive component for high-quality drinking water is therefore excellent management of the systems, which is not only the responsibility of water utilities companies, but also building owners or operators. With Wilo, you will meet these requirements in every way.

How we support you as a consultant with your questions about water supply

You can rely on Wilo’s expertise for your designs. Whether it’s for offices, administration buildings, hotels or airports, we develop customised and high-quality solutions for commercial and public buildings together with you. We cover the entire water cycle with our large range of pumps, pump systems and services and can assist with every stage of your project.

Benefit from our comprehensive application expertise, ranging from (raw) water extraction from wells or open bodies of water, rainwater utilisation, water purification and pressure boosting to distribution of drinking water as well as the supply of fire-fighting systems.

Professional consultation and installation

Your installation company will be best placed to tell you which systems or which overall concept is best suited for your water supply. Wilo only works with qualified specialist companies. The specialists will advise you on our products, assist you with the design and take care of professional installation and maintenance.