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Wilo WiAcademy

Welcome to the Wilo WiAcademy

Continuous training and professional development are crucial for sustained success.

Welcome to the Wilo WiAcademy, your destination for technical training! By enhancing product, application, and technical expertise, our partners are better equipped to ensure customer satisfaction and success.

As we diligently expand our training portfolio to cater to your evolving requirements, we encourage you to frequent our platform for updates on new opportunities and resources.

Cedarburg - Produktionsstandort Rendering

Factory Training

A wide selection of technical training.

smiling man with glasses in front of a laptop, Service technician Thorsten Stolpmann

Webinar Training

Start your path to technical know how

Mr. Kruppa with laptop

On-Demand Resources

Check out our selection of resources

Popular Categories

What would you like to learn today? Discover our current top categories.

Service Shooting 2014 commissioning Mr. Kruppa

Application Knowledge

Product & Technical

Persons in dialogue

Service Knowledge