Wilo SDG Action Days
Wilo SDG Action Days: 7 SDGs - 7 days - 7(Wilo) locations
Wilo USA was selected as one of the countries to take part in the Wilo Sustainable Development Project, specifically showcasing the region’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.
The Wilo USA SDG 9 Action Day was held at the Wilo Americas Headquarters in Cedarburg, WI on September 27, 2022.
The event included a building tour of the new Wilo Americas Headquarters, which highlighted sustainability features including solar panels and rainwater reclamation systems, a presentation of a local donation relating to SDG 9 project, and a presentation on "The Planetary Impact of Sustainable Plumbing Design."
SDG 9 Project: Sustainable Ambitious Workforce
Wilo USA chose the German American Chamber of Commerce for the SDG 9 project. Vice President of the GACC Midwest, Mario Kratsch was a keynote speaker at the event. One of the GACC's Apprenticeship Programs includes ICATT (The Industry Consortium for Advanced Technical Training). "The ICATT Apprenticeship Program is a workforce development strategy – a sustainable solution that builds a loyal workforce, provides a pipeline of talent, and ensures that standards of excellence are met."
SunVest Solar
Catie Malcheski, a Project Developer with SunVest was a keynote speaker and discussed the sustainable development of the solar system at Wilo USA. Catie was also the project manager for the Wilo Americas Headquarters solar panel installation.