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WiloLATAM Participates at EXPONOR Chile and visits the BHP Spence Copper Mine

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Showcasing Innovation and Strengthening Industry Ties

Participation at EXPONOR Chile 2024

Wilo was proud to be present at EXPONOR Chile from June 3-6, 2024. Held biennially in Antofagasta, EXPONOR highlights the latest technological advancements in the mining sector and serves as a strategic source of information on upcoming investments. This event also offers a unique opportunity to connect directly with industry-leading companies and key decision makers. As part of the German Pavilion organized by The German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Chile), Wilo welcomed numerous distinguished guests, including Her Excellency Irmgard Maria Fellner, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Chile.

Visit of the BHP Spence Copper Mine

Wilo’s participation at Exponor and a visit to Spence, one of the largest copper mines in Chile operated by BHP, underscored the importance of mining for the Wilo Group. The visit provided insights into daily operations, the pit and concentrator plant, and the automation processes, with the truck fleet being 100% autonomous.

Renowned as the globe's foremost copper producer, Chile dominates the industry with an impressive output of 5.62 million metric tonnes in 2021. With approximately 200 million metric tonnes of reserves, Chile is home to three of the world's largest mines.

This visit served to reinforce the importance of mining for the Wilo Group and demonstrated our dedication to supporting the industry with forward-thinking, sustainable solutions and more eco-friendly practices.

WiloLATAM visits BHP Spence Mine in Chile

BHP Spence Copper Mine

WiloLATAM visits BHP Spence Mine in Chile

BHP Spence Copper Mine

WiloLATAM visits BHP Spence Mine in Chile

BHP Spence Copper Mine

WiloLATAM at Exponor Chile 2024

EXPONOR Chile 2024

WiloLATAM at Exponor Chile 2024

EXPONOR Chile 2024