Learn more. Achieve more.
When it comes to professional and system expertise, you know what it’s all about. And you know: the better you understand something, the more convincing you are in turn to your customers. And when your customers are happy, they are happy to recommend you to others: Professional expertise is talked about – and it definitely pays off.
The content of the Wilo Ireland training programme is specially tailored to your needs and the tasks of your industrial sector.
With the Wilo Ireland training programme, we introduce to you practically relevant topics of high quality. All the content is tailored specifically to the needs and issues of your everyday working life. The subject-based knowledge in the individual training courses is imparted to you by experienced professionals. In addition, taking part in the training course gives you the chance to share experience with colleagues from the industry.
Ensure your success through our experienced speakers’ expertise. Find out more now about the current training programme.
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Please note: Courses are available to residents of Ireland only. If you are an international customer, please visit Wilo Worldwide to find your nearest Wilo office.
Degassing Systems
This unit highlights efficiency drivers for closed loop heating and cooling systems in various applications, emphasising that degassed, clean water is ideal for thermal transfer. It explains how air can enter the system, causing corrosion, downtime, and reduced thermal transfer efficiency, leading to higher energy costs. Focusing on Henry's law, it shows how modern technologies can degas the system for better efficiency.
High Efficiency Pumping
A session dedicated to the benefits of High Efficiency pumping and the ways in which various systems achieve energy savings. Variable speed pumps potentially offer 90% energy savings compared to old style fixed speed alternatives. In many cases, pro-active replacement of existing installations provides attractive levels of ROI.
Pressure Boosting and Surge Protection
This session covers the application of boosting. Multi occupancy buildings and high rise blocks often depend on reliable booster pump systems capable of a wide range in duty depending on the number of outlets working at any one time. This CPD also looks at ways to minimise ‘’Water hammer’’ – Hydraulic shock.
Expansion & Pressurisation
This CPD covers the sizing of expansion and pressurisation equipment for closed loop heating and cooling systems. It emphasises placing equipment at the system's neutral point and explains terms like "cold fill pressure." It also highlights the differences between gas cushion and Dynamic (Spill & Fill) expansion systems, noting that Dynamic systems have higher vessel efficiency regardless of their location in the system, while gas cushion efficiency is affected by system height. It also highlights the need for an antiflash margin on MTHW systems to keep water as a liquid throughout the system.
Rainwater Harvesting
Water is one of the world's most valued resources. As we move into a future of Globalisation, Urbanisation and Over Population - how we manage the scarcity of water becomes more of a consideration during the building design process. This unit looks at some of the applications where rainwater utilisation is a viable option.
Book your CPD seminar now!
Book your CPD seminar using the form below. Please complete your details and a member of our team will be in touch.
Please note: Courses are available to residents of Ireland only. If you are an international customer, please visit Wilo Worldwide to find your nearest Wilo office.