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African review meeting and soft skills training in SA

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Wilo had the privilege for the second year in row of having all the pioneers of Africa at Wilo South Africa's headoffice for the African review meeting on the 30th August to the 1st of September, where we had presentations and workshops. Thursday afternoon we had a spitbraai at the office for everyone to mingle.

On Friday the 1st of September, we celebrated casual day. This years theme was "green" to remind us of summer grass, positive growth, hope and enjoying who we all are. Green... The colour of new life, renewal, vitality and harmony.

To celebrate our diversity, we made a wooden tree and stuck it to the wall. Everybody had the oppertunity to add their handprint and country name to the tree.

To wrap up the lovely visit from our visitors, on the 2cnd to the 4th of September, everyone was at Monte Casino. Alexandra Eichenberg was the trainer for the duration of this time.

On the 4th and 5th, we bid farewell to our visitors as they all returned home to their countries.

Casual Day 2017