Join the ecolution!
Energy savings of up to 80%* by replacing specific pumps.
As a result of recent international political events, energy suppliers have been raising prices considerably. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. Electricity in Europe has been getting more expensive for years – and there is currently no end in sight.
Pumps are a relatively cost-effective and, most importantly, quick countermeasure with a high potential for savings.
Wilo is known as a pioneer in high-efficiency pump technology in many different fields of application. Thanks to state-of-the-art motor technology and a variety of control possibilities, our products enable energy savings of up to 80%* (*depending on the application) compared to outdated, uncontrolled pumps.
Therefore, trust in energy efficiency and innovation: Replace your outdated pumps and start the “ecolution” with us!
Learn more about our energy-saving solutions:
Our energy-efficient solutions for many different fields of application:
We have answers to your questions
Our products and services have aroused your interest? Then we are happy to help!
Whether it's creating an offer or editing service specifications, designing different types of equipment, advising on the selection of pumps and switchgear, or just helping with hydraulic and control issues.
Feel free to contact your nearest sales office and make an appointment. We look forward to you!
Find the right contact for your question.