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Cooling and air conditioning | Wilo

Cooling and air conditioning

Air-conditioning and cooling: Step into the future with intelligence and sustainability

Cooling and air conditioning

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Whether it is an industrial building or a powerplant, Wilo offers solutions for industrial cooling and air-conditioning systems.

The innovative product development aiming at energy efficiency, reliability and connectivity has progressively delivered products above the industry standard.

As a building operator, create a feel-good environment for your users

The right room temperature is an important feel-good factor and significantly boosts the happiness of tenants in multi-dwelling properties, of office workers, of patients in a hospital, guests in a hotel or people visiting a shopping centre. As the owner or operator of a large building, be sure to provide a comfortable room temperature with your air conditioning and cooling. Wilo’s high-efficiency pumps, which you can use to meet the diverse air-conditioning requirements, make a significant contribution here.

Comprehensive solutions from Wilo for consultants, operators, facilities managers and installers alike

The permanent air conditioning and cooling of large buildings places high demands on the pumps and pump systems used in terms of energy efficiency, operational reliability and dependability. We provide you with individual pump solutions with highly efficient pump technology, which adapt to your specific needs and therefore consume as little electricity as possible. Our energy-efficient solutions are ideal for residential, public and commercial properties. Thanks to their unique technology, they minimise your workload as a consultant, operator, facilities manager or installer and make your day-to-day life easier. Our coordinated and high-efficiency systems are complemented by a comprehensive service. With our many years of experience from projects in building services, we will support you both in the design stage and during the implementation phase of your projects.

Integrating pumps and pump systems into the building management system

Wilo’s pioneering pump systems can be easily integrated into your new or even existing building management system for central monitoring and visualisation. Our high-efficiency pump systems adapt independently to the demand in the system with intelligent control modes. As such, as a consultant or installer you can create maximum energy efficiency in the overall system, which reduces the operating costs in the long term. Our pump systems also interface with the most common types of building management system, allowing operating data to be clearly displayed and optimisation of our pump systems by means of remote monitoring – even after installation.

Direct pump access with your smartphone

Digitalisation continues to advance in all areas and is now also of considerable relevance for building services. For example, it makes it possible to carry out services without the need for someone to be present on site. In this way, you can make system adjustments and optimisation efficiently via remote access. This is a task that would normally require a time-consuming and costly on-site visit.

A basic requirement for this access is the connectivity of pumps.

With the latest generation of smart pumps, such as the Wilo-Stratos MAXO or Wilo-Stratos GIGA2.0, we offer you connectivity and access options that are already integrated. You can retrofit other products with this at any time. In addition to local access via Bluetooth for commissioning, for example, both options also provide you as an installer and facilities manager with the option of subsequent analysis and optimisations via remote access.

Air conditioning and cooling

The indoor climate is crucial for the well-being and productivity of users, especially in summer. Air conditioning in many cases produces condensate, which is removed safely and extremely quietly with Wilo’s lifting units.

In order to cool rooms and properties, various air-conditioning and cooling systems are used and they need to be supplied with the right amounts of water. Specially developed hydraulics, control modes, insulation and materials guarantee an optimum supply.

One partner, all services: Wilo

Benefit from our comprehensive support as a consultant and operator in every phase of the project, from design and dimensioning through to commissioning and maintenance. Together with Wilo, you can ensure sustainable air conditioning and cooling in the long term. Exploit every potential and receive support with design and dimensioning with our life cycle cost analysis (LCC analysis). Achieve significant savings in your energy and operating costs on this sound basis. Design your pump systems perfectly for multiple duty points at different speeds. Proactively replace old pumps and switch to an energy-efficient and cost-efficient system early on.