German delegation visit to Wilo office in Beirut, Lebanon.

From 18 to 21 March, a German Lebanese Forum on cooperation and development was organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon with the aim to promote international cooperation and dialogue, hosting a delegation of German parliamentarians, representatives from municipalities, the private sector and academia in Beirut.
The forum brought together stakeholders and practitioners of Lebanese-German relations, politicians, CSOs, and the private sector to discuss economic reforms, the energy situation, and international relations.
Following an engaging conference in which the exchange of experiences and possible solutions in the country were discussed, we were delighted to welcome the German Delegation headed by Paul Ziemiak, member of the Bundestag, at Wilo office in Beirut, Lebanon, to discuss the challenges and opportunities German companies are encountering in the region.
Managing director Ayman Nassar updated the group on Wilo's activities in the Levant region, as well as successful initiatives and business plans implemented in response to the crisis in Lebanon.
The discussions centered on identifying common interests and potential areas of German Lebanese collaboration to strengthen the cooperation.