Wilo Levant Platform participates in the Annual Mechanical Week and Exhibition 2022.

Sarwat Nassar, Head of Competence Team, Wilo Levant Platform

Climate Change: Challenges and Prospects
The Mechanical Consulting Engineers' Branch at The Order of Engineers and Architects - Beirut, Lebanon organized the annual mechanical week and exhibition 2022, entitled "Cliamte Change: Challenges and Prospects".
Hosting local and international speakers and exhibitors from all fields of engineering contributing to the growth of a sustainable future, the event witnessed encouraging participation.
In line with the event’s main topic, Wilo Levant Platform's Head of Competence team Sarwat Nassar led an interactive session directed to consultants, contractors and engineers at the event, highlighting Wilo's sustainability strategy and how the company is contributing to an equitable eco-conscious world, where she pitched the whole new implementation of Wilo H2 Powerplant.