Sustainable water management: Wilo improves the access to clean water
Ensuring a continuous supply of clean drinking water for people, agriculture, and industry is one of the great challenges of the present and the future. With an average annual growth rate of 75 percent, we aim to offer innovative solutions for these challenges. Our goal is to enable more people to have improved access to clean water. Sustainable water management plays a central role in the efficient and sustainable use of this valuable resource.

Water infrastructure
Water infrastructure refers to all products related to the water cycle ranging from raw water extraction and water supply to wastewater disposal and treatment. Sustainable water management not only focuses on the extraction and supply of clean drinking water, but also on the crucial importance of wastewater disposal and treatment. This focus ensures the sustainable use of water and minimizes the contamination of water resources.

Wilo products for better water supply
In many regions of the Middle East and Asia, more and more public projects are being initiated. These projects aim to implement measures to improve the water supply for the population. The growing scarcity of drinking water is a main driver behind these measures. Another main driver is the necessary modernization of outdated and inefficient supply systems. Wilo is internationally involved in these projects and thus contributes to the sustainable use of water and the improvement of living conditions.
Wilo is committed to sustainable water management – References & Examples:

Abionik – Expertise in water treatment
As a water expert, Wilo has been intensively committed to improving water supply for many years and continuously invests in the expansion of the corresponding product portfolio. With the acquisition of the ABIONIK Group GmbH, a German clean-tech company, Wilo has expanded its portfolio with innovative solutions for sustainable water management. The high-quality products of the Abionik group contribute to improved water, wastewater, and air treatment. These products complement Wilo's existing portfolio with innovative solutions and new areas of application, helping us achieve one of the most important sustainability goals: providing more people with clean water.
Greater Matale Water Supply System in Sri Lanka
Supported by the National Water Supply and Drainage Board, a comprehensive water supply system for a region was established using a holistic approach. Together with local partners on site, a complete supply cycle was set up from raw water extraction to water transport and wastewater return. More than 350,000 people benefit from this.

Sustainable and reliable water supply for 6,000 people per day
In Pembane, Mozambique, climate change is already clearly noticeable. The ongoing drought forces many residents to walk miles to fetch water for their daily needs. In the East African country, more than half of the rural population has no or only limited access to clean water. Together with ENTERIA and other partners, Wilo participated in a pilot project for a continuous and sustainable water supply. The idea behind this pilot project is to convert sunlight into electricity and electricity into water. In this way, sustainable energy supply, fair drinking water production, and distribution are combined in Pembane.
For every kilowatt hour of energy shared in the cloud, ENTERIA buys one litre of water from the 'Mati Mati' project. A solar well with a Wilo pump, which was put into operation in February 2020, supplies the population with 25,000 litres of clean drinking water daily. This project shows how sustainable water management solutions can contribute to improving living conditions. Using a rechargeable chip card, residents can draw affordable and pre-filtered fresh water from eight water dispensers distributed throughout Pembane. The excess water is used for agricultural irrigation.
Water programs: Projects for sustainable water use
The sustainable use of water involves environmental protection, health, and social justice. Sustainable water management is also a crucial factor in key economic sectors such as infrastructure, industrial production, and agriculture. With the strategic goal of 'expanding Water Programs,' our focus is on contributing to comprehensive improvements in water supply in the Global South. We achieve this through joint projects with international partners.

Global water partnerships
Cooperation is essential to promote the sustainable use of water and improve living conditions worldwide by ensuring a secure access to clean water for the people. Around the world, we work with key partners such as the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), local Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs), regional Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs), and embassies. This co-operation facilitates access to local governments as well as public institutions and projects in the spirit of international cooperation. As part of the German Water Partnership, we are represented in various regional and country forums as well as several working groups. Through our global water partnerships, we work with other stakeholders in the water industry to counter climate change. We contribute our proven know-how as water experts and new technologies.

Wastewater Management 4.0
Modern wastewater pumping stations must be able to cope with future challenges. The increasing solid content in wastewater and aging facilities cause pumps to clog easily and fail, making smart solutions necessary. Wilo’s intelligent submersible sewage pump Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q with Nexos intelligence is such a solution. The installation of the pump in the Hamburg Billstedt district serves as a good example of achieving exceptional system efficiency. It has proven highly effective for the operator HAMBURG WASSER with an efficiency of over 90 percent.. What are the advantages for operators in detail?
Intelligent interfaces make it easy to integrate the pump into existing systems and connect individual components.
Built-in control intelligence allows the system to respond intelligently to changes in the environment without requiring physical assistance from the operator.
The pump integrates modern sensor technology for clog detection and adapts intelligently to environmental changes.
These factors ensure maximum operational safety and high energy efficiency at the same time.
Smart water systems – for sustainable water use
Smart Water Systems are pumping systems for the water industry with smart control electronics and high level of connectivity. These systems are essential for increasing efficiency and sustainable water management. Our goal is to bring smart solutions to the market with an average annual growth rate of 35 percent. Through this approach, we can tackle the growing challenges of sustainable water supply and climate protection.

Intelligent water management with Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q
The ratio of solids and fibrous material in sewage is rising all the time, as a result of which pumps can easily clog and break down, like in Hamburg’s Billstedt district. The solution is intelligent: Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q with Nexos Intelligence, the smart submersible sewage pump from Wilo. It guarantees the operator HAMBURG WASSER the utmost operational reliability and energy efficiency. The pump is compatible with existing systems, it is easy to network and can be monitored remotely. It also features automatic clogging detection. All these features combined add up to an extraordinary system efficiency in excess of 90 percent.

Conclusion: Paving the Way to a Sustainable Water Management
Sustainable water management is essential to ensure a continuous and secure water supply worldwide. Through innovative technologies, global partnerships, and sustainable projects, Wilo contributes to improving access to clean drinking water and promoting the efficient use of water resources. From water infrastructure to smart water treatment systems, Wilo ensures that water is protected and used sustainably as a valuable resource. Our measures and projects aim to improve the living conditions of millions of people around the world while preserving the environment. Sustainable water management is not only a challenge but also an opportunity to shape the future positively.