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Executive Board - Corporate Management

Around 9,000 employees worldwide are working to develop the right answers to the questions of the future. This creates new products, systems and services that make our customers' lives a little easier every day. The Wilo Group is managed and steered by the Executive Board of WILO SE, which has consisted of four members since 1 January 2020.

Vorstand der Wilo Gruppe: Georg Weber (CTO), Oliver Hermes (Vorstandsvorsitzender und CEO), Mathias Weyers (CFO) und Dr. Patrick Niehr (CCO)

How the Executive Board manages the Wilo Group

To manage the Wilo Group, the Executive Board focuses in particular on the development of net sales and profitability. Earnings power is based on operating profit, EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) and the EBIT margin. Management at both Group level and at the levels of the Wilo Group's three organisational and management dimensions (regions, market segments, product areas/divisions) is consistently based on these core management indicators.

Non-financial aspects also play an important role in the successful entrepreneurial development of the Wilo Group. These are therefore of fundamental importance for the strategic and operational management of the Wilo Group, albeit to a lesser extent than the financial control parameters described.

Our members on the Wilo Executive Board

President & CEO of the Wilo Group President & CEO of the Wilo Group

Dipl.-Oec Oliver Hermes,
President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Wilo Group,
is a member of the WILO SE Executive Board and CEO of the Wilo Group since 2006.

Responsible for:

  • Government & Public Affairs

  • Sales Regions Mature & Emerging Markets, North America

  • Strategic Business Unit OEM

  • Group Service

  • Digitalization Team

  • Coordination of Executive Board activities

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Weber,
Chief Technology Officer (CTO),
is a member of the WILO SE Executive Board since 1st August 2017.

Responsible for:

  • Group Research & Development

  • Group Procurement, Supply Chain Management & Logistics

  • Group Operations

  • Group Quality & Qualification

  • Group Location Management

Dipl.-Kfm. Mathias Weyers,
Chief Financial Officer (CFO),
is a member of the WILO SE Executive Board since 1st December 2016.

Responsible for:

  • Group Controlling

  • Group Finance, Accounting &Taxes

  • Group Information Management

  • Group Mergers & Acquisitions

Dr Patrick Niehr,
Chief Change Officer (CCO),
is a member of the WILO SE Executive Board since 1st January 2020.

Responsible for:

  • Group Market Segment Management

  • Group Product & Product Information Management

  • Group Digital Buisiness & Marketing

  • Group Legal & Insurances

  • Group People & Culture

  • Group Internal Audit & Compliance

  • Strategic Business Unit Water Treatment