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30 Sept 2024 Press release

Top EcoVadis ratings for Wilo: Platinum medal and “outstanding” distinction


Rating agency classifies sustainability commitment in the highest possible category

Dortmund. EcoVadis has once again awarded the Wilo Group a platinum medal for its commitment to sustainability. Wilo has thus received the rating agency’s highest award for the third year running. In addition, the multinational technology group was included in the “Outstanding” category this year. Less than 1% of the more than 130,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis achieve such an excellent result.

“The ratings by EcoVadis show that Wilo has long been one of the frontrunners in terms of sustainability”, says Oliver Hermes, President & CEO of the Wilo Group. “We are particularly pleased that we were not only awarded platinum this year, but even belong to the ‘Outstanding’ category.”

The EcoVadis assessment highlighted Wilo’s particularly concrete and ambitious sustainability goals, which are based on the new, overarching sustainability strategy entitled “Creating, Caring, Connecting”. “The quality of this Group-wide and holistic strategy – the driving force behind our daily work – apparently also has a positive impact on our EcoVadis rating”, Hermes continues.

As in the past, Wilo scored excellently in the environmental category. “The progress made in implementing our ambitious climate strategy had a particularly positive effect here”, says Georg Weber, Member of the Executive Board and CTO of the Wilo Group. And Wilo also achieved an excellent rating in the “Labour & Human Rights” category. “Clear targets on all relevant topics, the implementation of comprehensive measures, and proof of external audits regarding reasonable remuneration and compliance with human rights standards led to this result”, remarks Weber.

EcoVadis is one of the most renowned sustainability ratings agencies worldwide. The ratings are based on criteria such as environmental awareness, labour conditions, ethics and sustainable sourcing practices. Companies worldwide use EcoVadis ratings to ensure that they themselves, their suppliers and their partners act sustainably.

“We take responsibility and, as a family business, concentrate on the long-term impact of our actions”, says Hermes. Just recently, the Wilo Group was named “Europe’s Climate Leader 2024” by the Financial Times and Statista. “The excellent rating from EcoVadis shows once again that we are truly making a difference. Wilo has a sustainable impact!”


Media contact

Silas Schefers

Wilo Group

Wilopark 1
44263 Dortmund

+49 231 4102 7160