Wilo Group donates to the Neven Subotic Foundation
Proceeds from the "HeizKreis" recycling project enable access to clean water
At the end of August, the Wilo Group made a donation to the Neven Subotic Foundation. Shari Malzahn, board member of the Neven Subotic Foundation, received a check for 2.840,81 euros from Thomas Fetting, responsible for Analysis, Repair & Recycling at the Wilo Group. The money will support the WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) project in Ethiopia, which will provide 60 people with access to clean water.
"We are pleased to be able to support a sustainable project in Africa with a sustainable pilot project from Wilo," explains Thomas Fetting from the Dortmund technology company. The amount was raised as part of an interdisciplinary research project supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation: "Together with the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Gelsenkirchen, TSR-Remondis, the company Pietsch from Ahaus, the skilled craftsmen Heidemann from Schwerte and Vollmer from Arnsberg, as well as the marketing agency Winter from Frankfurt, we searched for a solution for the return of dismantled old pumps," says Fetting. The pilot project ended in June 2019 and was a complete success: "In the region, together with over 100 craftsmen, we collected and recycled more than 3,000 pumps with a total weight of 13 tons," sums up Thomas Fetting. "We have donated the proceeds from the sale of the 'pump scrap' in its entirety."
"We are delighted that all the project partners involved have decided to enable people in Ethiopia to have hygienic access to water and a more dignified life," explains Shari Malzahn from the Neven Subotic Foundation. "The project is sustainable in two ways, as it is not only meaningful and forward-thinking in terms of the donation for people in Africa but also ecologically sound."