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Building automation

Intelligent solutions for building automation(樓宇自動化智慧解決方案)

There’s nothing more short-lived and confusing than information technology. What today is still considered to be state-of-the-art might possibly be replaced with a new standard tomorrow. There is also a multitude of different closed system environments. Therefore, different communication systems are used in building automation.


Flexible due to a modular concept (靈活的模組化概念)

Wilo offers interface modules for connecting to almost all pumps so that connection to building automation is always guaranteed to meet current and future requirements in an optimum way. This means the pumps can be integrated directly into the existing system on-site. This means the best possible protection for your investment when building automation is upgraded and converted. To change the communication system, it is enough to exchange the IF module, which can be done in just a few steps.


Advantage thanks to dual pump management 威樂提供用於連接幾乎所有泵浦的介面模組,以便保證與其樓宇自動化的連接能夠以最佳方式滿足當今及未來的需求。這意味著泵浦可以直接與現有的系統做連接,也表明了在升級和轉換樓宇自動化過程中可為您的投資提供最佳保護。更換通訊系統,只需幾個步驟便可更改介面模組。

Many Wilo pump series for circulation applications are prepared for dual pump operation or are already standard-equipped. Wilo dual pump management not only allows a switchover or peak-load cut-in, but can even contribute to energy savings in some areas. In its application, the double pump is no more complicated, but is safer and easier to use.


Control devices for more complex tasks (用於更複雜任務的控制設備)

Wilo offers the right technology for pump systems and more complex tasks. In this regard, too, the components are prepared for integration in building automation.


LON communication system

IF-Modul Modbus

Wilo protocol PLR


Control and signalling function

Dual pump management

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