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Your questions on non-compliant pumps answered

Following revelations that the Office of Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) found over 85% of domestic heating circulators it inspected last year were non-compliant, Wilo is urging distributors and installers to check pumps hold the right certifications and markings before stocking or installing them in homes and heating systems.

Installing non-compliant pumps could pose a safety hazard to consumers and last year an incredible 38 domestic heating circulation pumps were delisted from sale due to being non-compliant.

Read our FAQs below to help you spot a 'fake' pump.

What did the OPSS find during its inspections of pumps in 2023?

85% of pumps the OPSS checked during 2023 were non-compliant, and 38 models were de-listed.

Are Wilo’s domestic heating circulation pumps compliant?

Yes. All of our pumps conform and are compliant.

Where do I find proof that Wilo’s domestic heating circulation pump are compliant?

You will find a Declaration of Conformity inside each O&M Manual. This details the relevant European and UK standards that the pump is designed, built and tested to. These are supplied in the box with the pump.

How many non-compliant domestic heating circulation pumps are entering the UK market per year?

On average 100,000 pumps a year.

What is the difference between a CE Marking and a China Export marking?

Please see image at the top of the page to see authentic vs fake markings.

How can I tell the difference between a real, compliant pump, versus a fake, non-compliant pump?

Check the pump’s certifications. For Wilo pumps, a Declaration of Conformity is enclosed within the O&M manual which is supplied with the pump.

Who should I contact if I think the pumps we have in stock are faulty or non-compliant?

The Office of Product Safety and Standards.

If I’m an installer and I suspect that I’ve bought a non-compliant pump, what should I do ?

Raise the issue with the distributor where the pump was purchased.