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MXL15-25 | Wilo
Replacement recommendation
Number of results: 2

Product design typeGlandless high-efficiency pumpGlandless standard high-efficiency pump-
Product descriptionMXL15-25
Article number-
Mains connection1~230 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz1~230 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz-
Port-to-port length l0180 mm180 mm180 mm
Pump connectionG 1½G 1½-
Pump connection (alternative designation)RP 1RP 1-
DN 25DN 25-
DisplayGraphic colour display (2 inches)LED segment display-
CommentChange pipingChange piping-
Motor data
Pipe connection
Dimension, weight
Ordering information
Technical data
Product description MXL15-25
Brand Salmson
Port-to-port length l0 180 mm
Pipe connection
Inlet connection DN 25
PN connection on suction side -
Outlet connection DN 25
PN connection on discharge side -

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