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ISAR MODH1-3CH1-L-403/SCe | Wilo


商品编号 : 29993580
最大工作压力 p 10 bar
压力侧管道连接 DNd R 1½
吸入侧管道连接 DNs R 1½
备用电机的数量 1
工作泵的数量 2
最低介质温度 Tmin 3 °C
最高介质温度 Tmax 60 °C
最低环境温度 Tmin 5 °C
最高环境温度 Tmax 40 °C
测定电压 U 220-230 V
电源频率 f 50 Hz
最大工作压力 9 A
开关装置的防护等级 IP54
绝缘等级 F
防护等级 IP55
电机额定功率 P2 0,37 kW
电机效率 ηm 50 % ηM 50% 65,1 %
电机效率 ηm 75 % ηM 75% 70,4 %
电机效率 ηm 100 % ηM 100% 69,5 %
泵壳 不锈钢
叶轮 不锈钢
机械密封 BQ1E3GG
辅助密封材质 EPDM

ISAR MODH1-2-3.... Dimension Drawing

尺寸 H 955 mm
尺寸 H1 185 mm
尺寸 H2 364 mm
尺寸 L1 250 mm
尺寸 P 860 mm
尺寸 P1 283 mm
尺寸 P3 300 mm
尺寸 P4 0 mm
尺寸 H3 85 mm
尺寸 HS 400 mm
尺寸 LS 600 mm
压力侧管道连接 DNd R 1½
压力侧管道连接 DNd PN 10
吸入侧管道连接 DNs R 1½
吸入侧管道连接 DNs PN 10
尺寸 L 770 mm
尺寸 TS 210 mm
尺寸 X 690 mm

SCe-EM Wiring Diagram

3~ 400 V, 50 Hz, 3~ 380-460 V, 60 Hz

SCe-EM Wiring Diagram

产品 Wilo
产品名称 ISAR MODH1-3CH1-L-403/SCe
商品编号 29993580
EAN 编号 -
颜色 绿色/黑色/银色
最小订购量 1
市场可用性 2021-06-01
包装类型 单边槽货盘
包装属性 运输包装
每个板的数量 1
每层的数量 1
长度尺寸(含包装) 1000 mm
长度 L 768 mm
高度尺寸(含包装) 830 mm
高度 H 980 mm
宽度尺寸(含包装) 1200 mm
宽度 W 581 mm
毛重约 m 93 kg
净重约 m 63 kg

Compact pressure boosting system according to DIN 1988 and DIN EN 806, for indirect connection. Consisting of non self-priming, switched in parallel, horizontal stainless steel high-pressure multistage centrifugal pumps. Ready for connection with stainless steel pipework, mounted on a base frame, including control device with all necessary measurement and adjustment equipment.

For fully automatic water supply and pressure boosting in residential, commercial and public buildings, hotels, hospitals, department stores and for industrial systems.

For pumping drinking water, process water, cooling water or other service water, which does not affect the materials used, neither chemically nor mechanically, and does not contain any abrasive or long-fibre constituents. The ISAR booster is fully compliant to The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 (Regulation 4) and is suitable for safe drinking water applications

Special features/product benefits

  • High operational reliability, thanks to system with one, two or three horizontal multistage CH1-L pumps with stainless steel hydraulics
  • Easy installation and maintenance thanks to special, flexibly adjustable connections to manifolds
  • Easy commissioning and operation with the Smart Controller
  • Drinking water approval (reg 4) for pumps with components made of stainless steel that come into contact with the fluid


  • 2 or 3 CH1-L pumps per system
  • Components that come in contact with the fluid are corrosion-resistant
  • Electrogalvanized base frame with height-adjustable vibration absorbers for insulation against structure-borne noise
  • Stop valve on every pump on the suction and discharge sides
  • Non-return valve, pressure side
  • Pressure sensor, on the discharge side
  • Low-water cut-out switchgear on suction manifold
  • Pressure gauge, discharge side
  • Diaphragm pressure vessel (8 l/PN 10)
  • SCe comfort control device, maximum degree of control performance with symbol-based LCD display, simple navigation with clear menu and Green Button Technology for setting parameters for controlling the electronic pumps with frequency converters
  • Ready for integration into building automation with the SCe switchgear via standard Modbus RTU

Operation / display

  • LC display (backlit) for display of the operating data, controller parameters, operating statuses of the pumps, error messages and history memory
  • Menu navigation with symbols and menu numbers
  • LEDs for display of the system status (operation/fault)
  • Factory-preset parameters for easy commissioning/start
  • Setting of operating parameters and acknowledgement of fault messages using Green Button Technology
  • Lockable main switch
  • Operation with/without standby pump selectable by customer service
  • Elapsed time indicator for each pump and for entire system
  • Switching cycle counter for each pump and for entire system
  • Fault memory for the last 16 faults


  • Actual value of the system is output via a 0 – 10 volt analogue signal for external measurement/display applications, 10 volts correspond to the final sensor value
  • 4 – 20 mA sensor signal (conductivity test of the sensor cable) for control variable actual value
  • The pump mains power feed is protected via the circuit breaker
  • Automatic switchover to standby pump in the event of an operating pump fault
  • Monitoring of maximum and minimum system values with adjustable time delays and limits
  • Zero-flow test for switching off the system when no water is being drawn off (adjustable parameters)
  • Pipe filling function for filling empty pipes (initial filling of the consumer network)
  • Protection against low water level via contact, e.g. for float switch or pressure switch
  • Automatic shutdown of pumps if fault occurs or operation at preset emergency operation speed


  • Potential-free contacts for SBM/SSM collective operation and collective fault signals
  • Logic reversal can be applied to SBM and SSM
  • Contacts for external on/off, low water and second setpoint
  • External on/off via contact for deactivation of the system's automatic mode


Accessories can be ordered optionally. Factory installation or retrofitting after technical checks.

Recommended accessories (to be ordered separately)

  • Flexible connection pipes or compensators
  • Threaded caps for systems with threaded manifold
  • BACnet activation code
水泵数量 3
流体温度 T 3 °C
环境温度 T 5 °C
最大工作压力 PN 10 bar
入口压力 p inl 6 bar
电源频率 f 50 Hz
相位 1
测定电压 U 220-230 V
开关装置的防护等级 IP54
电机额定功率 P2 0,37 kW
测定电压 U 230 V
额定电流 IN 1,8 A
标称转速 n 2900 1/min
绝缘等级 F
电机防护等级 IP55
泵壳 不锈钢
叶轮 不锈钢
轴密封 BQ1E3GG
辅助密封材质 EPDM
管道材质 不锈钢
吸入侧管道连接 DNs R 1½
压力侧管道连接 DNd R 1½
产品 Wilo
产品名称 ISAR MODH1-3CH1-L-403/SCe
净重约 m 63 kg
商品编号 29993580

Installation and operating instructions

Wilo-Control SC-Booster (SC, SC-FC, SCe)

物品编号 2535460
版本 1809
页数 1795
Language ar, bg, cs, da, de, el, en, es, et, fi, fr, hr, hu, it, lt, lv, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, tr, uk, zh
PDF (44 MB)

ISAR MODH 1 Maintenance Manual

物品编号 CD_SE085
版本 2018-XX
页数 10
Language en
PDF (1 MB)


物品编号 CD_TE0080
版本 2018-XX
页数 22
Language en
PDF (1 MB)

Group Statement

Group Statement REACH

版本 2021-05
页数 5
Language 对所有语言保持不变
PDF (327 KB)